CARDARINE GUIDE: Diet/Pre-workout Dosage

What It Is?

Cardarine (GW-501516) is a supplement often misunderstood, yet it holds numerous benefits for athletes. One prevalent misconception is that Cardarine is not a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). Instead of acting on androgen receptors, Cardarine functions on the PPAR pathway as a PPAR Receptor Agonist. As a result, Cardarine is non-hormonal, non-anabolic, and does not necessitate post-cycle therapy (PCT).

The Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta (PPAR-δ) regulates crucial cellular metabolic processes essential for maintaining energy balance. It plays a vital role in governing fatty acid uptake, transport, and β-oxidation, as well as insulin secretion and sensitivity (Liu et al., 2018). Initially, Cardarine was investigated for its potential use in managing obesity and type 2 diabetes, among other related conditions. However, further research was halted following findings from a rat study—this will be elaborated upon later.

Cardarine Benefits

Can Cardarine boost your energy levels?

Endurance - While Cardarine can enhance endurance, it doesn't provide an energy surge akin to stimulants. Its consistent use proves advantageous for athletes across disciplines, such as cyclists, sprinters, or bodybuilders, seeking to shorten recovery periods between sets and excel in high-repetition workouts. In conjunction with four weeks of exercise training, Cardarine significantly increases running time by 68% and running distance by 70% compared to vehicle-treated trained mice, attributing to adaptations in skeletal muscle (Narkar et al., 2008).

Cardarine and lipids

Lipid Profile - The lipid profile can be influenced by the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) or poor dietary habits, which we recommend addressing before considering any supplemental intervention. Cycle support supplements can assist in managing this. Cardarine has demonstrated the ability to increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol. In a 12-week study, Cardarine showed significant increases in HDL cholesterol up to 16.9% (10 mg) and apoA-I up to 6.6%. Moreover, reductions were observed in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (-7.3%), triglycerides (-16.9%), apoB (-14.9%), and free fatty acids (-19.4%). Notably, the study also revealed notable decreases in the concentration of very LDL (-19%), intermediate-density lipoprotein (-52%), and LDL (-14%, primarily a reduction in small particles), alongside an increase in the number of HDL particles (+10%, predominantly medium and large HDL) (Olson et al., 2012).

Cardarine for insulin sensitivity 

Blood Sugar Regulation - Cardarine's role in blood sugar control renders it suitable for both off seasons and dieting. When adhering to a high-calorie, high-carbohydrate diet, maintaining high insulin sensitivity ensures efficient utilisation of food and prevents symptoms of pre-diabetes that heavy bodybuilders may encounter during intense growing phases. Conversely, during dieting, controlling insulin levels helps sustain fullness and restrict fat storage. Cardarine promotes a shift in cellular energy utilisation from glycolysis to fatty acid β-oxidation, enhancing systemic glycemic control. This positions it as a potential candidate for future diabetes management (Liu et al., 2018).

Cardarine supplement inflammation benefits

Inflammation Regulation - In certain instances, PPAR delta agonists, like Cardarine, may exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, particularly in organs such as the kidneys. Initial studies have suggested a potential for reducing oxidative damage, which naturally accumulates over time. However, the precise nature of this relationship remains incompletely understood, and it's worth noting that Cardarine can, in fact, induce inflammation in different contexts.

Cardarine diet benefits

Metabolic Regulation - PPAR delta agonists can enhance fatty acid oxidation compared to glycolysis, prioritizing the utilization of fats as fuel during exercise instead of stored carbohydrates. This has favorable effects on muscular endurance and body composition, contributing to the perception of Cardarine as a fat-burning supplement.

What are the Cardarine blood pressure benefits?

Hypertension - Cardarine's Potential Blood Pressure Benefits. Hypertension, characterised by high blood pressure, is often associated with factors such as obesity, stress, and anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use. Emerging evidence suggests a therapeutic potential for Cardarine in treating pulmonary arterial hypertension, as indicated in rat models. Cardarine has demonstrated efficacy in inhibiting fibroblast and pulmonary arterial vascular smooth muscle cell growth, thereby preventing right heart hypertrophy (Mitchell and Bishop-Bailey, 2018).

Cardarine Side Effects & Risks

It's widely acknowledged that GlaxoSmithKline discontinued studies on Cardarine due to cancer development observed in tested rats, halting progression to human trials. However, it's essential to recognize flaws in this study, including the use of an exceptionally high dose administered over an extended period (104 weeks) and the short life expectancy of the rats involved. Moreover, Cardarine has been investigated for its potential as a cancer-preventive drug in conflicting studies, suggesting both inhibitory and promotive effects on tumorigenesis (Peters, Gonzalez, and Müller, 2015).

Regrettably, obtaining a definitive risk-to-reward assessment of Cardarine may take time, and the current evidence understandably gives pause to some. We recommend conducting thorough research on both sides of the argument before drawing any conclusions.

Cardarine Dosage Guide

How to take Cardarine

An effective dosage for Cardarine can be as low as 10mg per day. We recommend starting with the lowest possible dose for your initial cycle and adhering to the dosage range provided by the specific brand you are using.

When to take Cardarine

It's recommended to take Cardarine at a consistent time daily for optimal results. Since its half-life is estimated to be between 12 to 24 hours, if you decide to increase the dosage, such as to 20mg, it's advisable to split the dose between morning and night. Cardarine can be taken with or without food according to personal preference. While many individuals choose to incorporate Cardarine into their dieting phase, it offers benefits that may be desirable year-round.

Cardarine cycle length

Here's a suggested approach for cycling Cardarine. When combined with SARMs like Ostarine in a popular cutting stack, Cardarine is typically used for a 6-week cycle. However, if used alone, there are no strict guidelines regarding the duration of the cycle. The duration can be tailored according to your individual goals and budget.

How to Stack

Due to Cardarine's unique mechanism of action, which is non-stimulatory and does not impact testosterone levels, it can be stacked with a wide range of supplements or compounds. Check out our range of SARMs here


In conclusion, Cardarine offers a unique approach to enhancing performance and achieving fitness goals. Its non-stimulatory nature and lack of impact on testosterone levels make it versatile and suitable for stacking with various supplements. While its efficacy and safety have been studied, caution is advised due to conflicting research findings and uncertainties surrounding long-term use. As with any supplement, thorough research and consulting with a healthcare professional are recommended before incorporating Cardarine into your regimen.

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